So, it’s 2021 now, huh?

I think I speak for most of us when saying that the past year was not the best in human history.
I’ve realized I had come to rely on the deadlines of conventions. With everything cancelled or postponed, things pretty much stalled.
Last spring, when there still seemed like the was a chance of at least some events happening I did cast a couple of my tiny dolls and while I have had a good time playing around with them for myself and getting to know the quirks of their bodies, I never really took any good photos and never presented them as finished.

Now, if we didn’t know it before, the past year have taught us that things never turn out as intended and even the best of plans can fall flat, but despite that I will take the risk and tell you a little about what is currently planned for the year to come, trusting whole heartedly in you discretion to not take this too seriously or hold it against me when it fails. Deal?

All right:
1. Good pictures of the tinies needs to happen and be published. I have no excuse for why this has not happened yet.
2. At least a few artist cast of these tinies need to get on to my Etsy shop as to be able to say that they are in fact available for purchase. This is a bigger deal than it sounds like as I still don’t have packaging materials figured out for them, but it needs doing.
3. I have started work on a boy torso option for the minies. The upper torso parts will be interchangeable, making it possible to make a small busted girl as well.
4. I wouldn’t be an artist if I didn’t get sidetracked, so I have also started another doll project. Those of you who hang out on DoA already knows about this one, for the rest of you; I’ll present him here when is gets to a presentable stage.
5. Patterns! I intend to start making some patterns that fit the dolls I make available through this blog.

Doesn’t sound too bad, as far as to do lists go, right?

May 2021 be a good doll year for us all!


Back from Jointed Hearts 2019

Just a quick post to thank everyone for a very nice con.
The exhibition was amazing, as usual and it was lovely to see all the creativity and lovely dolls. The sales room was packed with pretty things and skilled crafters.

Thank you all again!

And, because I managed to forget to take any pictures at all, the only thing relevant I have is this photo of the mugs I made and donated as lottery prizes.

Back from DollConDK 2019

The past weekend we visited Aarhus in Denmark and the danish doll convention DollConDK run by Danske BJD Entusiaster. We had a wonderful time. The market area was filled with wonderful things and the exhibition was very impressive. The hole place was dripping with talent and packed with friendly people.

We had our own talble in the market area, selling a few things.

Here you see JennyM attending the table.

We both had dolls from our private collections on display in the exhibition and to my great delight (and surprise) I won fist prize in the MSD category with this display:

The doll on the left is the one that won the prize. She is an Iplehouse Tania dressed in a traditional oufit from c:a 1900 from the region in Sweden that I’m from.

A big thank you to everyone involved with this convention and a big Hello to everyone I met there!

A Squiggly Thing!

I have been working on something of a side project.
It’s an optional arm part for the Basil body, in the shape of a fully jointed tentacle.

This part will fit any similar socket, so it should be compatible with a wide range of dolls.
I plan to cast it in house and sell it through my etsy shop.

That’s all for now, take care and doll on.

I’m moving!


Things have been quiet here for a while and there is a reason for that. I have bought a house! While it’s not going to be time to move in for some time yet, this will cause my doll hobby to be forced to take the back seat for a while.

The good news for my doll making is; that I will be able to set up a much better work space and hopefully some equipment for better casting in the future.
It will also mean that I am far less restricted to what hours of the day I can work without disturbing my neighbors, and that’s always a plus.

So, how far has the Basil project come so far?
Well, I have made a rough cast in polyurethane and while he is far from perfect, this has made it possible to work out the flaws that he has.
I have made one copy for myself to play with and another to be modded to perfection. Well, hopefully. 😉
The later is what will then be used as a master for the final molds. I will likely use a casting service for this as I suspect it will take some time before I have good casting facilities set up at the new place and I can’t hope to get a professional result with what I currently have.

Kosta NallemÀssa 2017

The 22nd of October the annual teddy fair is held in Kosta, Sweden.
The fair is organized by Margarethas DockskÄp. This store sells many different types of dolls, toys and miniatures. Among other things they have a large selection of wigs and eyes suitable for BJD and a huge selection of doll house miniatures that fits 1:12 scale dolls.
We have not attended this particular event before, but we have been to other events arranged by the same store.
While the main focus of the fair is teddy bears and other stuffed toys; dolls, doll house miniatures and other miniature and craft related things are also welcome.

We will be there with more or less the same stuff we brought to Jointed Hearts. This means the Skyfall head will be available for purchase as well as various clothes and accessories. We will also bring the Basil body prototype. Feel free to handle him a bit, ask questions and tell us what you think. We’d love to get some feedback.

If you visit the fair, please come by and say hello!

Back from Jointed Hearts

We are fresh home from this years edition of Jointed Hearts, a BJD convention held annually in Gothenburg, Sweden.

While a bit on the small side, it was still packed with interesting people and an astonishing amount of skills and talent. There were several doll artists present and many other lovely crafts as well.
The theme of this years exhibition was “the Machine” and it was so much fun to see the many interpretations. The most impressive one being a working arcade machine in 1:3 scale! Way beyond awesome.

I managed to make a rough cast version of the Basil body done in time to take with me and I had him displayed on our table with a note encouraging people to pick him up and examine him closer and many did. I learned so much out of the amazing feedback that people gave and also a lot from just watching how people handled him and what they looked for first.
A big thank you to all who did!

I also had the great fortune to be able to get some feedback from more experienced artists and a chance to nerd a bit about casting and sculpting materials.

Now I will take a couple of days to wind down and rest up a bit, then it’s time to do a bunch of minor fixes to Basil and to make him ready to be professionally cast. With a bit of luck I will be able to open the first preorder for him later this fall.